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10 things you didn't know about Antonio Canal (Canaletto).

10 things you didn't know about Antonio Canal (Canaletto).

Welcome! Today we reveal 10 amazing facts about the legendary Italian painter Antonio Canal, better known as Canaletto. Be enchanted by the fascinating world and breathtaking artwork of this great artist.

Giovanni Antonio Canal - Canaletto Portrait

Antonio Canal (Canaletto) (1697-1768)

  1. Place and time of birth: Born on October 28, 1697 in Venice, Republic of Venice.

  2. Artistic origins: He originally worked as a theater painter, where he developed his extraordinary talent for detailed and realistic depictions.

  3. Art of the Urban Landscape: Canaletto is world-famous for his breathtaking and detailed cityscapes, particularly those of Venice.

  4. Master of Perspective: His mastery of linear perspective gave his paintings impressive depth and reality.

  5. Use of the Camera Obscura: He used the camera obscura technique to create ultra-realistic and precise images.

  6. Success in England: Many of his works of art were sold to England, where he enjoyed great popularity and received numerous commissions.

  7. Influence on veduta painting: Canaletto is considered one of the main representatives of vedute painting and had a significant influence on this style.

  8. Academy of Fine Arts: In 1763 he was admitted to the Venetian Academy of Fine Arts.

  9. Famous works: His most famous works include "The Grand Canal" and "View of the Grand Canal from San Vio".

  10. Death and Legacy: Canaletto died on April 19, 1768 in Venice, but his artistic legacy lives on today and continues to influence artists worldwide.

Immerse yourself in the world of Canaletto and discover the impressive art and life of this extraordinary painter. Be inspired by his ability to masterfully capture the beauty and dynamism of urban landscapes on canvas. Discover now and immerse yourself in the world of art!

Would you like to order a reproduction of any Canaletto (Antonio Canal) painting?

Don't hesitate to contact us. Just send us a photo or the name of the painting. Let us know which dimensions you prefer. Would you like an oil painting on canvas or would you prefer a canvas print? Or do you prefer the original size of the painting? Write us a message and you will soon receive a non-binding offer.

Other customers usually choose one of the following Canaletto paintings:

Our best-sellers, reproductions of Canaletto paintings (oil paintings and fine art prints on canvas):

  • “The Grand Canal from Palazzo Flangini to San Marcuola” (“Il Canal Grande da Palazzo Flangini a San Marcuola”)-> order
  • “St. Mark’s Square” (“La Piazza San Marco”)-> order
  • "The Basin of San Marco" (The Basin of San Marco)-> order
  • „Der Große Kanal mit Santa Maria della Salute“ („The Grand Canal with Santa Maria della Salute“)
  • “View of the Ducal Palace” (“Veduta del Palazzo Ducale”) -> order
  • "View of the Doge's Palace" - Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal) -> order

„Veduta del Palazzo Ducale“ - Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal) „Veduta del Palazzo Ducale“ ist ein beeindruckendes Gemälde von Canaletto, das den Herzogspalast in Venedig zeigt. Der Palast, eines der wichtigsten Wahrzeichen Venedigs, ist in diesem Kunstwerk meisterhaft dargestellt und spiegelt Canalettos Fähigkeit wider, Architektur und Lichteffekte eindrucksvoll darzustellen.

„View of the Doge's Palace“ - Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal)

  • “Veduta del Palazzo Ducale” is an impressive painting by Canaletto depicting the Ducal Palace in Venice. The palace, one of Venice's most important landmarks, is masterfully depicted in this artwork, reflecting Canaletto's ability to impressively depict architecture and lighting effects.