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Mauritshuis Museum masterpieces by Rembrandt

Discover the Mauritshuis: jewel of the Dutch Golden Age and home to Johannes Vermeer's masterpieces 🖼️🎨

The Mauritshuis Museum, officially the Royal Cabinet of Paintings of Mauritshuis, is located in The Hague, Netherlands. It is one of the most famous art museums in the Netherlands and houses an impressive collection of works from the Golden Age of Dutch art.

Das Mauritshuis Museum in Den Haag, Niederlande, mit Werken von Johannes Vermeer - Präsentiert von Laabs Art Gallery

Johannes Vermeer in the Mauritshuis: The museum owns some of the most famous paintings by Johannes Vermeer, including:

  1. "Girl with a Pearl Earring" – one of the most famous portraits in art history and often referred to as the "Mona Lisa of the North". -> Order now 
  2. “View of Delft” – another well-known work by Vermeer that shows the city of Delft in breathtaking lighting.

Other important works in the Mauritshuis: In addition to the works of Vermeer, the Mauritshuis also houses many other important paintings, including:

  1. "The Anatomy of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp" by Rembrandt .
  2. " The Bull " by Paulus Potter – a monumental work depicting a life-size bull. -> read more
  3. "Self-portrait" by Rembrandt .
  4. "The Garden of Eden with the Fall" by Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the Elder.

The Mauritshuis is known not only for its impressive art collection, but also for the impressive building itself, a 17th-century city palace with a classical style. It is picturesquely situated by a pond in the heart of The Hague and offers visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the Golden Age of Dutch art.

Ölgemälde-Reproduktion 'Mädchen mit dem Perlenohrring' von Johannes Vermeer

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