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category: Victoria Laabs

Victoria Laabs is a young, talented artist with an extraordinary passion for painting and creative art. Despite her tender age of only 19, she shows tremendous talent and a unique artistic soul.

Even as a child she showed extraordinary abilities in art. Her painting talent was visible from an early age, and the beautiful works she created as a little girl attracted the attention of everyone around her. Victoria paints with acrylic and oil paints, draws, designs clothing and also engages in craft and creative work.

One of her favorite activities is creating graphics and designing on the iPad, where she can express her creativity and artistic vision. Her passion for painting is an integral part of her life, and the hours she spends painting or creating graphics are a time of inspiration and creative development for her.

Victoria often visits art galleries and museums, and her fascination with art is evident in her work. Together with her mother, Magdalena Laabs , they travel to different countries where they can admire the works of old masters and contemporary artists. Recently they visited the special exhibition at the Alte Nationalgalerie in Berlin, which featured works by impressionists such as Gustav Klimt, Stuck and Hoffman.

Her works decorate galleries in Germany and have also been exhibited in Poland.

This summer, Victoria also visited numerous art galleries in Italy and Switzerland with her mother. She was recently inspired by the work of contemporary Swiss artist Mr. Donde.

Victoria Laabs particularly appreciates realistic painting and digital art. She often paints figures from the world of music. These are the areas of art that inspire her the most. This year she will finish school and plans to study "Media Design" in Berlin, where she can further develop her artistic skills.

Recently, Victoria Laabs has focused on painting portraits of well-known personalities, such as Tupac Shakur, Aaliyah Dana Haughton, and film legend Marilyn Monroe. These portraits are an expression of her artistic talent and passion for paying tribute to outstanding figures in pop culture. Her portrait works showcase the character and uniqueness of these well-known personalities, as well as Victoria's love of music, which makes her art even more inspiring and personal.

She is an admirable young artist who has only recently begun to share her creative works with a wider audience. Her talent and dedication to art indicate a promising artistic future.

Victoria's younger sister, Alexandra, also follows in her older sister's footsteps, creating computer graphics and painted images by the age of 7, indicating the Laabs siblings' artistic talents.

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